Get a Washington
Apple License Plate

Support Washington apples, and make a difference in local communities! Proceeds help support the Washington Apple Education Fund scholarships.

Blue license plate with red Washington Apple Commission logo and sample letters

The Washington apple specialty license plate recognizes the rich history of our state’s apple industry, the dedicated growers, and the renowned reputation of Washington apples worldwide.

Proceeds support WAEF scholarships for children of farmworkers, warehouse employees, growers, and others with ties to the tree fruit industry. License plates are sold through the Washington State Department of Licensing.


How do I order my plates?

Plates can be purchased from the Washington state DOL office or through a local vehicle licensing office. If you order through the DOL, simply complete and print the application and return it with the plate fee to the address listed on the form.

What’s the additional cost for a Washington Apples specialty plate?

The initial purchase cost is $77.25.  Each year, an additional $30 is charged when tabs are renewed.  WAEF receives $28 from the purchase price and from each annual renewal.

Can I personalize my plates?

Yes! A personalized license plate (aka vanity plates) provides you the opportunity to determine up to seven letters, numbers, hyphens or spaces on your plate. There is an additional fee to personalize a plate. You can find more information on the DOL’s website here.

Do the tabs on my vehicle transfer to the new plate?

Yes.  When you purchase the license plate for your vehicle the tabs you’ve already purchased will transfer.  If your tabs will be ready for renewal within six months of your purchase of the Washington Apples plate, you may renew early.   Prior to sending your check for tab renewal, contact the DOL office or a local vehicle office to get an exact payment amount.

How does it work for fleet vehicles?

One or more members of a “fleet” may acquire Washington Apples license plates. Each vehicle in the fleet needs to have its own application completed and submitted.

Once ordered, when do plates arrive?

The traditional lead time is around two weeks.